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Viaduto interditado altera a 25ª Maratona Internacional de São Paulo

Viaduto interditado altera a 25ª Maratona Internacional de São Paulo


São Paulo (SP), 27/02/19 - Atendendo às diretrizes e solicitações da CET, Secretaria dos Transportes, Secretaria de Esportes e Comissão de Corridas de Rua de São Paulo, por conta das restrições viárias com a interdição do Viaduto no Jaguaré, o percurso da Maratona de São Paulo 2019, assim como outras corridas, também sofrerá alterações. Isso porque uma parte da prova passa por ruas usadas como alternativa de trânsito no entorno do viaduto. A nova formatação terá a largada da 25ª Maratona Internacional de São Paulo mais cedo (6h30) e em  ondas na Praça Charles Miller, no Pacaembu.

A prova percorrerá trechos  do Centro Histórico que também fazem parte da São Silvestre, Avenida 23 de Maio, Ibirapuera, ruas da Cidade Universitária e chegada no Ibirapuera, ao lado do Obelisco. A Meia terá a mesma logística, mas retornará antes da Santo Amaro e chegará no Ibirapuera. Já a prova de 5k, começará e terminará no Parque do Ibirapuera.

As inscrições continuam abertas para as três distâncias, e todas as demais características da prova, como data, entrega de kit entre outras, estão mantidas. O novo percurso já está disponível e durante os próximos dias todos os detalhes serão atualizados no site e pelo

Assim como aconteceu com as outras provas deste primeiro trimestre de 2019, a Maratona de São Paulo precisou de adaptar à nova realidade da cidade. A interdição da Ponte do Jaguaré, na altura do Shopping Villa Lobos, foi a principal, pois as ruas do entorno, como Fonseca Rodrigues e Pedroso de Morais, além da ponte da Cidade Universitária, que fazem parte do percurso da prova, são alternativas de rota  e não poderiam ser fechadas neste ano.

Entre as atrações da comemoração de Jubileu de Prata estarão a entrega de medalha especial, a Expo Maratona com estandes de produtos e serviços, palestras, música ao longo dos percursos e muito mais. As inscrições estão abertas e poderão ser feitas pelo site oficial, onde também estarão informações sobre formas de pagamento e prazos.

A prova oferecerá infraestrutura (apoio médico, acessos, hidratação, lanches) para o número oficial de inscritos. Não serão disponibilizados recursos extras para atletas que não estejam inscritos oficialmente (”pipocas”).
Resultados 2018
1) Solonei da Silva (BRA), 2h15min55seg
2) Wellington Bezerra da Silva (BRA), 2h16min06seg
3) Goodfrey Kosgei (QUE), 2h16min38seg
4) Philip Kiplimo (UGA), 2h16min50seg
5) Paulo Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min18seg
1) Andréia Hessel (BRA), 2h40min07seg
2) Shewaye Woldemeskel (ETH), 2h41min37seg
3) Valdilene Silva (BRA), 2h42min38seg
4) Adriana Aparecida da Silva (BRA), 2h42min55seg
5) Carmen Aguilera (PAR), 2h48min03seg
Melhores tempos
Ao longo de sua história, a prova conseguiu tempos bastante expressivos, com destaque para o feito do brasileiro Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima (BRA),  que estabeleceu o recorde em 2002, com 2h11min19seg, e a queniana, Rumokol Chepkanan, com 2h31min31seg, em 2012. Também conseguiram tempos expressivos no masculino os quenianos Stanley Biwot, com 2h11min21seg, em 2010, e David Kemboi (QUE), com 2h11min53, em 2011. No feminino ainda se destacaram a queniana Carolyne Komen, com 2h35min51seg, em 2015, e marroquina Samira Raif,  com 2h36min01, em 2011.
Todos os campeões da Maratona de São Paulo (Masculino / Feminino)
2018 - Solonei da Silva (BRA)m 2h15min55s/Andréia Hessel (BRA), 2h40min07s
2017 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min56s/ Leah Jerotich (QUE), 2h41min58s
2016 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min14seg/Alice Kibor (QUE), 2h35min56seg
2015 - Asbel Kipsang (QUE), 2h15min15s/Carolyne Komen (QUE),2h35min51s
2014 - Paul  Kangogo (QUE), 2h14min16s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h42min27s
2013 - Stanlei Koech (QUE), 2h16min07/Samira Raif (MAR), 2h38min23s
2012 - Solonei da Silva (BRA),2h12min25s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE),2h31min31s*
2011 - David Kemboi (QUE), 2h11min53s/ Samira Raif (MAR), 2h36min01
2010 - Stanley Biwott (QUE), 2h11min21s/Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h39min26s
2009 - Elias Chelimo (QUE), 2h13m59s/ Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h42m24s
2008 - Claudir Rodrigues (BRA), 2h17m07s/Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h42m20s
2007 - Reuben Chepkwek (QUE), 2h16m05s/ Jacqueline Chebor (QUE), 2h40m12s
2006 - Rotich Solomon (QUE), 2h15m15s/ Margaret Karie (QUE), 2h39m24s
2005 - José Teles (BRA), 2h19m47s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m39s
2004 - Franck Caldeira (BRA), 2h17m30s/ Margareth Karie (QUE), 2h40m10s
2003 - Genilson da Silva (BRA), 2h16m26s/Mª do Carmo Arruda (BRA), 2h39m12s
2002 - Vanderlei de Lima (BRA), 2h11m19s*/ Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h36m07s
2001 - Stephen Rugut (QUE),2h14m30s/ Marizete Rezende (BRA), 2h38m57s
2000 - David Ngetich (QUE), 2h15m21s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m15s
1999 - Paul Yego (QUE), 2h15m29s/Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h37m20s
1998 - Diamantino dos Santos(BRA), 2h16m55s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h39m58s
1997 - Kipkemboi Cheruiyot (QUE), 2h17m07s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h42m13s
1996 - Chalam El Maali (MAR), 2h15m21s/ Janete Mayal (BRA), 2h41m40s
1995 - Luiz A. dos Santos (BRA), 2h17m11s/Ilyna Nadezhda (RUS), 2h49m33s
A Maratona Internacional de São Paulo 2018 é uma realização e organização da Globo e Yescom, com apoio especial da Prefeitura de São Paulo e Sampacor. A supervisão técnica é da CBAt, FPA e IAAF e AIMS
Mais informações no site oficial, 
Consultoria de Comunicação da Yescom:
MBraga Comunicação - Marcelo Eduardo Braga - Mtb 18324
Fones: (11) 98266-6086(T) - Nextel: (11)  947821214 - ID 35*25*86378

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Brazil receives 1st IAAF Bronze Test and 2019 São Paulo Marathon raises its status

Brazil receives 1st IAAF Bronze Test and 2019 São Paulo Marathon raises its status


There will be no shortage of attractions in the São Paulo International Marathon in 2019, scheduled for April 7. National level gold test of the CBAt, besides completing its 25 years, to have all its starts and arrivals in Ibirapuera and a half marathon, will still have other news. The event, organized by Yescom, will be the first in Brazil to receive the IAAF Road Race Bronze Label category, to be part of the IAAF International Marathon Ranking and will also integrate the calendar of the "World Marathon Majors Age Group", which began at the Marathon Berlin 2018 and will end in the London 2020 Marathon.
CBAt's national gold standard, IAAF Road Race Bronze Label category, which are technical qualification criteria that will guarantee athletes from several countries, and effective member of AIMS, the São Paulo Marathon has thus its quality and excellence recognized in the international scenario . São Paulo, Santiago, Mexico City and Monterrey are the only locations in Latin America to be part of the Majors 40+.

There will be 50 events, listed below, worldwide that will qualify for this Abbott WMM World Championship Wanda Age Group World Rankings, bringing together athletes in categories 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65- 69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+.
The rules and details for participating in the São Paulo event and obtaining indexes will be published on the test sites, and, starting on October 15, 2018. The best athletes of these categories will be ranked by time, will score points and qualify for the final stage in the London Marathon. in April of 2020.

The start for the ranking was given last Sunday at the Berlin Marathon. The events were indicated by their high technical level and organization, in addition to the recognition by the International Federations of Athletics.
The São Paulo Marathon in 2019 had its courses adjusted, reducing curves and returns. There will also be Expo, with stands of products and services for the community, as well as sponsors and sponsors, as well as lectures on April 5 and 6. The registrations are still open and details and promotions can be found on the website. The event will offer infrastructure (medical support, access, hydration, snacks) to the official number of enrollees. No extra features will be available for athletes who are not officially registered ("popcorn").
The 2019 São Paulo International Marathon is an accomplishment and organization of Globo and Yescom, with special support from the São Paulo City Hall. Technical supervision is from CBAt, FPA and IAAF and AIMS
Better times
Throughout its history, the race has achieved quite expressive times, with the highlight of the Brazilian Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima (BRA), who set the record in 2002 with 2h11min19sec and Rumanian Rumokol Chepkanan with 2h31min31sec in 2012 Kenyans Biwot, with 2h11min21sec in 2010 and David Kemboi (QUE), with 2:11min53 in 2011. Men's singles were Carolyne Komen from Kenya with 2:35min51sg in 2015 and Moroccan Samira Raif, with 2h36min01 in 2011.
All São Paulo Marathon Champions (Men / Women)
2018 - Solonei da Silva (BRA)m 2h15min55s/Andréia Hessel (BRA), 2h40min07s
2017 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min56s/ Leah Jerotich (QUE), 2h41min58s
2016 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min14seg/Alice Kibor (QUE), 2h35min56seg
2015 - Asbel Kipsang (QUE), 2h15min15s/Carolyne Komen (QUE),2h35min51s
2014 - Paul  Kangogo (QUE), 2h14min16s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h42min27s
2013 - Stanlei Koech (QUE), 2h16min07/Samira Raif (MAR), 2h38min23s
2012 - Solonei da Silva (BRA),2h12min25s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE),2h31min31s*
2011 - David Kemboi (QUE), 2h11min53s/ Samira Raif (MAR), 2h36min01
2010 - Stanley Biwott (QUE), 2h11min21s/Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h39min26s
2009 - Elias Chelimo (QUE), 2h13m59s/ Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h42m24s
2008 - Claudir Rodrigues (BRA), 2h17m07s/Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h42m20s
2007 - Reuben Chepkwek (QUE), 2h16m05s/ Jacqueline Chebor (QUE), 2h40m12s
2006 - Rotich Solomon (QUE), 2h15m15s/ Margaret Karie (QUE), 2h39m24s
2005 - José Teles (BRA), 2h19m47s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m39s
2004 - Franck Caldeira (BRA), 2h17m30s/ Margareth Karie (QUE), 2h40m10s
2003 - Genilson da Silva (BRA), 2h16m26s/Mª do Carmo Arruda (BRA), 2h39m12s
2002 - Vanderlei de Lima (BRA), 2h11m19s*/ Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h36m07s
2001 - Stephen Rugut (QUE),2h14m30s/ Marizete Rezende (BRA), 2h38m57s
2000 - David Ngetich (QUE), 2h15m21s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m15s
1999 - Paul Yego (QUE), 2h15m29s/Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h37m20s
1998 - Diamantino dos Santos(BRA), 2h16m55s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h39m58s
1997 - Kipkemboi Cheruiyot (QUE), 2h17m07s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h42m13s
1996 - Chalam El Maali (MAR), 2h15m21s/ Janete Mayal (BRA), 2h41m40s
1995 - Luiz A. dos Santos (BRA), 2h17m11s/Ilyna Nadezhda (RUS), 2h49m33s
The 2019 São Paulo International Marathon is an accomplishment and organization of Globo and Yescom, with special support from the São Paulo City Hall. Technical supervision is from CBAt, FPA and IAAF and AIMS
Evidence that is part of the "AWMMAG World Rankings"
Race  Location   Series 12 Race Date
Bmw Berlin Marathon - Berlin, Germany - 16-Sep-18
Absolute Moscow Marathon - Moscow, Rússia - 23-Sep-18
Sanlam Cape Town Marathon - Cape Town, South África - 23-Sep-18
Rock ‘n’ Roll Oasis Montreal Marathon - Montreal, Canadá - 23-Sep-18
United Airlines Rock ‘n’ Roll Chengdu Marathon - Chengdu, China - 23-Sep-18
Bank of America Chicago Marathon - Chicago, Illinois, USA - 7-Oct-18
Kosice Peace Marathon - Kosice, Slovakia - 7-Oct-18
Rock ‘n’ Roll Beijing Marathon - Beijing, China - 13-Oct-18
Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon - Toronto, Canadá - 21-Oct-18
TCS Amsterdam Marathon - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 21-Oct-18
SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon - Dublin, Ireland - 28-Oct-18
ASB Auckland Marathon - Auckland, New Zealand - 28-Oct-18
TCS New York City Marathon - New York City, NY, USA - 4-Nov-18
Rock 'n' Roll Savannah Marathon - Savannah, Georgia, USA - 4-Nov-18
Toyota Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - 11-Nov-18
Rock ‘n’ Roll Shanghai Marathon - Shanghai, China - 17-Nov-18
Rock ‘n’ Roll Chongqing Marathon - Chongqing, China- 25-Nov-18
California International Marathon - Sacramento, CA, USA - 2-Dec-18
Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon - San Antonio, Texas, USA - 2-Dec-18
Monterrey Powerade Marathon - Monterrey, México - 9-Dec-18
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon – Singapore - 9-Dec-18
Chevron Houston Marathon - Houston, Texas, USA - 20-Jan-19
TATA Mumbai Marathon - Mumbai, Índia - 20-Jan-19
Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona Marathon - Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 20-Jan-19
Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon - New Orleans, LOU, USA - 10-Feb-19
Tel Aviv Samsung Marathon - Tel Aviv, Israel - 22-Feb-19
Tokyo Marathon - Tokyo, Japan - 3-Mar-19
United Airlines Rock‘n Roll Washington DC Marathon - Washington DC, USA - 9-Mar-19
Chengdu Panda Marathon - Chengdu, China - 17-Mar-19
Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon - LA, California, USA - 24-Mar-19
Sao Paulo Marathon - Sao Paulo, Brazil - 7-Apr-19
Generali Milano Marathon - Milano Italy - 7-Apr-19
Santiago Chile Marathon -Santiago, Chile - 7-Apr-19
Boston Marathon - Boston, Mass. USA - 15-Apr-19
Marathon de Bourdeaux Metrópole - Bordeaux, France - 27-Apr-19
Virgin Money London Marathon - London, England- 28-Apr-19
EDP Rock ‘n’ Roll Madrid Marathon - Madrid, Spain - 28-Apr-19
St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Marathon - Nashville, TN, USA - 28-Apr-19
Helsinki City Marathon - Helsinki, Finland - 18-May-19
Runaway Noosa Marathon - Queensland, Austrália - 25-May-19
Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon - Ottawa, Canadá - 26-May-19
Scotiabank Calgary Marathon - Calgary, Canadá - 26-May-19
Rock ‘n’ Roll Liverpool Marathon - Liverpool, United Kingdom - 26-May-19
Asics Stockholm Marathon - Stockholm, Sweden - 1-Jun-19
McDonald’s Brisbane Marathon - Brisbane, Austrália - 2-Jun-19
Synchrony Financial Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego Marathon - San Diego, CA, USA - 2-Jun-19
Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Marathon - Seattle, Washington, USA - 9-Jun-19
Grandma's Marathon - Duluth, Minnesota, USA - 22-Jun-19
7 Sunshine Coast Marathon - Queensland, Austrália - 4-Aug-19
Telcel Mexico City Marathon - Mexico City, México - 25-Aug-19
Sanlam Cape Town Marathon - Cape Town, South África - 15-Sep-19
Rock ‘n’ Roll Oasis Montreal Marathon - Montreal, Canadá - 22-Sep-19
Absolute Moscow Marathon - Moscow, Rússia - 22-Sep-19
Bmw Berlin Marathon - Berlin, Germany - 29-Sep-19
Consultoria de Comunicação da Yescom:
MBraga Comunicação - Marcelo Eduardo Braga - Mtb 18324
Fones: (11) 98266-6086(T) - Nextel: (11)  947821214 - ID 35*25*86378

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São Paulo International Marathon 2019 opens registrations

São Paulo International Marathon 2019 opens registrations


São Paulo (SP), 05/24/18 - The São Paulo International Marathon, one of the most important of its kind in the country, will turn 25 in 2019. To celebrate its Silver Jubilee, the competition opens promotional registrations. The event is scheduled for April 7, and may be postponed to April 14 (date will be set until September 30, 2018), starting at 6:50 am and arrival at Ibirapuera, in front of the Obelisk.

For registrations made up to July 30, until 4:00 pm (Brasília time), there will be a Promo sign in the amount of R $ 80.00, in cash on the ticket or twice in the credit card, and the Basic subscription , for R $ 100.00, also in cash on the ticket or twice on the card.

The 25th São Paulo International Marathon will have three distances, focusing on the classic. In addition to the traditional 42k race, there will also be the Half Marathon, ie 21k, and the 5k race. From there, all starts and arrivals will also take place at Ibirapuera.

The event will offer infrastructure (medical support, access, hydration, snacks) to the official number of enrollees. No extra features will be available for athletes who are not officially registered ("popcorn").

Results 2018
1) Solonei da Silva (BRA), 2h15min55seg
2) Wellington Bezerra da Silva (BRA), 2h16min06seg
3) Goodfrey Kosgei (QUE), 2h16min38seg
4) Philip Kiplimo (UGA), 2h16min50seg
5) Paulo Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min18seg

1) Andréia Hessel (BRA), 2h40min07seg
2) Shewaye Woldemeskel (ETH), 2h41min37seg
3) Valdilene Silva (BRA), 2h42min38seg
4) Adriana Aparecida da Silva (BRA), 2h42min55seg
5) Carmen Aguilera (PAR), 2h48min03seg

Better times
Throughout its history, the race has achieved quite expressive times, with the highlight of the Brazilian Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima (BRA), who set the record in 2002 with 2h11min19sec and Rumanian Rumokol Chepkanan with 2h31min31sec in 2012 Kenyans Biwot, with 2h11min21sec in 2010 and David Kemboi (QUE), with 2:11min53 in 2011. Men's singles were Carolyne Komen from Kenya with 2:35min51sg in 2015 and Moroccan Samira Raif, with 2h36min01 in 2011.
All São Paulo Marathon Champions (Men / Women)
2018 – Solonei da Silva (BRA)m 2h15min55s/Andréia Hessel (BRA), 2h40min07s
2017 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min56s/ Leah Jerotich (QUE), 2h41min58s
2016 – Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min14seg/Alice Kibor (QUE), 2h35min56seg
2015 – Asbel Kipsang (QUE), 2h15min15s/Carolyne Komen (QUE),2h35min51s
2014 – Paul  Kangogo (QUE), 2h14min16s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h42min27s
2013 – Stanlei Koech (QUE), 2h16min07/Samira Raif (MAR), 2h38min23s
2012 - Solonei da Silva (BRA),2h12min25s/Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE),2h31min31s*
2011 - David Kemboi (QUE), 2h11min53s/ Samira Raif (MAR), 2h36min01
2010 - Stanley Biwott (QUE), 2h11min21s/Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h39min26s
2009 - Elias Chelimo (QUE), 2h13m59s/ Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h42m24s
2008 - Claudir Rodrigues (BRA), 2h17m07s/Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h42m20s
2007 - Reuben Chepkwek (QUE), 2h16m05s/ Jacqueline Chebor (QUE), 2h40m12s
2006 - Rotich Solomon (QUE), 2h15m15s/ Margaret Karie (QUE), 2h39m24s
2005 - José Teles (BRA), 2h19m47s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m39s
2004 - Franck Caldeira (BRA), 2h17m30s/ Margareth Karie (QUE), 2h40m10s
2003 - Genilson da Silva (BRA), 2h16m26s/Mª do Carmo Arruda (BRA), 2h39m12s
2002 - Vanderlei de Lima (BRA), 2h11m19s*/ Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h36m07s
2001 - Stephen Rugut (QUE),2h14m30s/ Marizete Rezende (BRA), 2h38m57s
2000 - David Ngetich (QUE), 2h15m21s/ Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m15s
1999 - Paul Yego (QUE), 2h15m29s/Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h37m20s
1998 - Diamantino dos Santos(BRA), 2h16m55s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h39m58s
1997 - Kipkemboi Cheruiyot (QUE), 2h17m07s/ Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h42m13s
1996 - Chalam El Maali (MAR), 2h15m21s/ Janete Mayal (BRA), 2h41m40s
1995 - Luiz A. dos Santos (BRA), 2h17m11s/Ilyna Nadezhda (RUS), 2h49m33s

The São Paulo International Marathon 2018 is an organization and organization of Globo and Yescom, with special support from the São Paulo City Hall and Sampacor. The support is Coffee 3 Hearts, Probiotics, Garmin, Montevergine, Two Minions Hortifruti, Blessed Camphor and Velocitá. Technical supervision is from CBAt, FPA and IAAF and AIMS
More information on the official website,
Yescom Communication Consulting:
MBraga Communication - Marcelo Eduardo Braga - Mtb 18324
Headphones: (11) 98266-6086 (T) - Nextel: (11) 947821214 - ID 35 * 25 * 86378

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São Paulo - Determined to recover the top of the podium in the men's, the national athletics will be strong in the 24th São Paulo International Marathon, scheduled for April 8, with departure at Ibirapuera. This year's edition will be no less than two champions of the race, Franck Caldeira (2004) and Solonei da Silva (2012), as well as Edson Arruda Santos, vice-president in 2017, and Giovani dos Santos, one of the best founders in the country today. The main test of the country's genre will have, in addition to the 42.1 km, disputes of 24 km, 8 km and 4 km, with programming starting at 6:50.

Solonei, by the way, was the last Brazilian to win the event, when he completed in 2h12min25sec. Gold medal at the Pan de Guadalajara in 2011, sixth at the World Athletics Championships in Moscow, and 78th at the Olympic Games in Rio 2016, the athlete from Penapolis (SP) arrives as a favorite to bi. In addition to the numerous titles in the career, such as São Silvestre and the São Paulo Marathon, Franck Caldeira took a third place last year, confirming his good moment and also coming to fight for the tip.

Giovani, in turn, remains one of the highlights of recent years. With impressive results in several events, he seeks his first victory of the São Paulo Marathon. At the beginning of the year he was second in the São Paulo International Half Marathon. Also noteworthy for Edson Arruda Santos, the best Brazilian last year with the runner-up, and Wellington Bezerra, fourth, besides other highlights of the modality that will be in the race.


The kit delivery will take place during the EXPO Athlete Marathon of São Paulo, in Gymnasium Ibirapuera - Quadras Anexas - Rua Manuel da Nóbrega, 1361 - Ibirapuera. The hours will be as follows: April 5, from 12 a.m. to 8 p.m., 6 a.m., from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and 7 a.m., from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be no kit delivery on the day of the race, not even after the race.

The EXPO Marathon Athlete of São Paulo will have more than 40 exhibitors, lectures and services. The lectures will take place on the 7th and registration (free) will be made until April 4 or until the limit of 180 people is reached.

The organization emphasizes that the entire infrastructure of the event will be sized for the official number of participants, not including extra services to unregistered athletes. All the dynamics to curb "popcorn" and fraudsters will be made.

All São Paulo Marathon Champions (Men / Women)

2017 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min56sec / Leah Jerotich (QUE), 2h41min58sec

2016 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min14sec / Alice Kibor (QUE), 2h35min56sec

2015 - Asbel Kipsang (QUE), 2h15min15 / Carolyne Komen (QUE), 2h35min51

2014 - Paul Kangogo (QUE), 2:14:16 PM / Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h42min27

2013 - Stanlei Koech (QUE), 2h16min07 / Samira Raif (MAR), 2h38min23s

2012 - Solonei da Silva (BRA), 2h12min25s / Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h31min31s *

2011 - David Kemboi (QUE), 2h11min53s / Samira Raif (MAR), 2h36min01

2010 - Stanley Biwott (QUE), 2h11min21s / Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h39min26s

2009 - Elias Chelimo (QUE), 2h13m59s / Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h42m24s

2008 - Claudir Rodrigues (BRA), 2h17m07s / Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h42m20s

2007 - Reuben Chepkwek (QUE), 2h16m05s / Jacqueline Chebor (QUE), 2h40m12s

2006 - Rotich Solomon (QUE), 2h15m15s / Margaret Karie (QUE), 2h39m24s

2005 - José Teles (BRA), 2h19m47s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m39s

2004 - Frank Caldeira (BRA), 2h17m30s / Margareth Karie (QUE), 2h40m10s

2003 - Genilson da Silva (BRA), 2h16m26s / Mª do Carmo Arruda (BRA), 2h39m12s

2002 - Vanderlei de Lima (BRA), 2h11m19s * / Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h36m07s

2001 - Stephen Rugut (QUE), 2h14m30s / Marizete Rezende (BRA), 2h38m57s

2000 - David Ngetich (QUE), 2h15m21s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m15s

1999 - Paul Yego (QUE), 2h15m29s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h37m20s

1998 - Diamantino dos Santos (BRA), 2h16m55s / Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h39m58s

1997 - Kipkemboi Cheruiyot (QUE), 2h17m07s / Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h42m13s

1996 - Chalam El Maali (MAR), 2h15m21s / Janete Mayal (BRA), 2h41m40s

1995 - Luiz A. dos Santos (BRA), 2h17m11s / Ilyna Nadezhda (RUS), 2h49m33s

More information on the official website,

Yescom Communication Consulting:

MBraga Communication - Marcelo Eduardo Braga - Mtb 18324

Headphones: (11) 98266-6086 (T) - Nextel: (11) 947821214 - ID 35 * 25 * 86378


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São Paulo (SP) - Like the São Paulo International Half Marathon, on March 11, the International Marathon of São Paulo 2018, scheduled for April 8, will undergo adjustments. The traditional proof of the genre in the country also eliminated curves, making it more linear and therefore faster. In addition to the 42.1 km of the marathon, the event will still have 24km, 8km and race and 4km walk, with options for all tastes. Programming will begin at 6:50.

Arrivals and departures will be at Ibirapuera, next to the Obelisk. Only the 24 km race will have a different place to arrive, marked for Avenida Escola Politécnica. The people who choose the 24. The athletes who arrive at the Polytechnic will have free transportation to return it to the start, offered by the organization.

The changes for the 24th edition of the São Paulo Marathon will basically be in the region of the Panamerican Square. In the place, some streets left the route and there was the inclusion of the Avenue Faria Lima, eliminating also some curves of the script. These changes will make the test more flat and enjoyable for the participants.

The new route for the following streets:

Largada - Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral - Obelisco do Ibirapuera (F)

Av. República do Líbano (F)

Av. Antônio Joaquim de Moura Andrade (F)

Túnel Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de SP (F)

Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitischek  (F)

Rua Prof. Geraldo Ataliba(F)

Av. Henrique Chamma (CF)

R. Haroldo Veloso (CF)

Av. Cidade Jardim (CF)

Av. dos Tajurás (CF)

Av. Lineu de Paula Machado (F)

Túnel Euclides J. Zerbini (F)

Av. Valdemar Ferreira (F)

Av. Afrânio Peixoto (F)

Av. Alvarenga  (CF)

R. Manoel Chaves (F)

Av. Pedroso de Moraes (F)

Av. Faria Lima (F)

Av. Pedroso de Moraes (F)

Av. Fonseca Rodrigues (F)

Rua. Professor Manuel Chaves (F)

Ponte Cidade Universitária (F)

R. Teixeira Soares x Portão USP  (F)

Rua Prof. Mello Moraes (F)

Av. Escola Politécnica (F)

Rua Prof. Mello Moraes (F)

Av. Prof. Almeida Prado (F)

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto (F)

Av. Prof. Almeida Prado (F)

Rua Prof. Mello Moraes (F)

Av. Prof. Lucio Martins Rodrigues

Rua Prof. Mello Moraes (F)

Rua Afrânio Peixoto (F)

Av. Waldemar Ferreira (CF)

Av. Lineu de Paula Machado (F)

Túnel Jânio Quadros (F)

Av. Presidente JK (CF)

Túnel Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de SP (CF)

Av. República do Líbano  (CF) (F)

Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral (F)

Chegada - Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral - Obelisco do Ibirapuera (F)

Attractions and Registration

The 24th São Paulo International Marathon will have much more than the race and will feature several attractions. There will be, once again, musical performances along the route through the city, leaving the race even more delicious. The EXPO Marathon of São Paulo is also planned, with more than 40 exhibitors, lectures and services.

In the technical part, the test will meet all the requirements of the IAAF, and is already registered and is a candidate for the Bronze Label in the next editions (Bronze Label), besides the gold seal of the CBAt. The test, in fact, was the first to have all the national and international certifications like IAAF, AIMS and CBAT. The event will count on hydration and medical assistance along the route, in 22 support stations, with water, isotonic, Whey Protein and snack, among others.

Entries are still open and can be made until March 19th. Confirmations can be made through the official website,, in which more details about the event can also be obtained. The fee is $ 137.00.

The organization emphasizes that the entire infrastructure of the event will be sized for the official number of participants, not including extra services to unregistered athletes. All the dynamics to curb "popcorn" and fraudsters will be made.

Better times

Throughout its history, the race has achieved quite expressive times, with the highlight of the Brazilian Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima (BRA), who set the record in 2002 with 2:11 min19sec and Rumanian Rumokol Chepkanan with 2.31m31sec in 2012 Kenyans Biwot, with 2h11min21sec in 2010, and David Kemboi (QUE), with 2:11min53 in 2011. Men's singles Carolyne Komen of Kenya (2h35min51sg) in 2015 and Moroccan Samira Raif, with 2h36min01 in 2011.

All São Paulo Marathon Champions (Men / Women)

2017 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min56sec / Leah Jerotich (QUE), 2h41min58sec

2016 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min14sec / Alice Kibor (QUE), 2h35min56sec

2015 - Asbel Kipsang (QUE), 2h15min15 / Carolyne Komen (QUE), 2h35min51

2014 - Paul Kangogo (QUE), 2:14:16 PM / Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h42min27

2013 - Stanlei Koech (QUE), 2h16min07 / Samira Raif (MAR), 2h38min23s

2012 - Solonei da Silva (BRA), 2h12min25s / Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h31min31s *

2011 - David Kemboi (QUE), 2h11min53s / Samira Raif (MAR), 2h36min01

2010 - Stanley Biwott (QUE), 2h11min21s / Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h39min26s

2009 - Elias Chelimo (QUE), 2h13m59s / Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h42m24s

2008 - Claudir Rodrigues (BRA), 2h17m07s / Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h42m20s

2007 - Reuben Chepkwek (QUE), 2h16m05s / Jacqueline Chebor (QUE), 2h40m12s

2006 - Rotich Solomon (QUE), 2h15m15s / Margaret Karie (QUE), 2h39m24s

2005 - José Teles (BRA), 2h19m47s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m39s

2004 - Frank Caldeira (BRA), 2h17m30s / Margareth Karie (QUE), 2h40m10s

2003 - Genilson da Silva (BRA), 2h16m26s / Mª do Carmo Arruda (BRA), 2h39m12s

2002 - Vanderlei de Lima (BRA), 2h11m19s * / Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h36m07s

2001 - Stephen Rugut (QUE), 2h14m30s / Marizete Rezende (BRA), 2h38m57s

2000 - David Ngetich (QUE), 2h15m21s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m15s

1999 - Paul Yego (QUE), 2h15m29s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h37m20s

1998 - Diamantino dos Santos (BRA), 2h16m55s / Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h39m58s

1997 - Kipkemboi Cheruiyot (QUE), 2h17m07s / Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h42m13s

1996 - Chalam El Maali (MAR), 2h15m21s / Janete Mayal (BRA), 2h41m40s

1995 - Luiz A. dos Santos (BRA), 2h17m11s / Ilyna Nadezhda (RUS), 2h49m33s

More information on the official website,

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MBraga Communication - Marcelo Eduardo Braga - Mtb 18324

Headphones: (11) 98266-6086 (T) - Nextel: (11) 947821214 - ID 35 * 25 * 86378


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