São Paulo - Determined to recover the top of the podium in the men's, the national athletics will be strong in the 24th São Paulo International Marathon, scheduled for April 8, with departure at Ibirapuera. This year's edition will be no less than two champions of the race, Franck Caldeira (2004) and Solonei da Silva (2012), as well as Edson Arruda Santos, vice-president in 2017, and Giovani dos Santos, one of the best founders in the country today. The main test of the country's genre will have, in addition to the 42.1 km, disputes of 24 km, 8 km and 4 km, with programming starting at 6:50.

Solonei, by the way, was the last Brazilian to win the event, when he completed in 2h12min25sec. Gold medal at the Pan de Guadalajara in 2011, sixth at the World Athletics Championships in Moscow, and 78th at the Olympic Games in Rio 2016, the athlete from Penapolis (SP) arrives as a favorite to bi. In addition to the numerous titles in the career, such as São Silvestre and the São Paulo Marathon, Franck Caldeira took a third place last year, confirming his good moment and also coming to fight for the tip.

Giovani, in turn, remains one of the highlights of recent years. With impressive results in several events, he seeks his first victory of the São Paulo Marathon. At the beginning of the year he was second in the São Paulo International Half Marathon. Also noteworthy for Edson Arruda Santos, the best Brazilian last year with the runner-up, and Wellington Bezerra, fourth, besides other highlights of the modality that will be in the race.


The kit delivery will take place during the EXPO Athlete Marathon of São Paulo, in Gymnasium Ibirapuera - Quadras Anexas - Rua Manuel da Nóbrega, 1361 - Ibirapuera. The hours will be as follows: April 5, from 12 a.m. to 8 p.m., 6 a.m., from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., and 7 a.m., from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be no kit delivery on the day of the race, not even after the race.

The EXPO Marathon Athlete of São Paulo will have more than 40 exhibitors, lectures and services. The lectures will take place on the 7th and registration (free) will be made until April 4 or until the limit of 180 people is reached.

The organization emphasizes that the entire infrastructure of the event will be sized for the official number of participants, not including extra services to unregistered athletes. All the dynamics to curb "popcorn" and fraudsters will be made.

All São Paulo Marathon Champions (Men / Women)

2017 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min56sec / Leah Jerotich (QUE), 2h41min58sec

2016 - Paul Kimutai (QUE), 2h17min14sec / Alice Kibor (QUE), 2h35min56sec

2015 - Asbel Kipsang (QUE), 2h15min15 / Carolyne Komen (QUE), 2h35min51

2014 - Paul Kangogo (QUE), 2:14:16 PM / Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h42min27

2013 - Stanlei Koech (QUE), 2h16min07 / Samira Raif (MAR), 2h38min23s

2012 - Solonei da Silva (BRA), 2h12min25s / Rumokol Chepkanan (QUE), 2h31min31s *

2011 - David Kemboi (QUE), 2h11min53s / Samira Raif (MAR), 2h36min01

2010 - Stanley Biwott (QUE), 2h11min21s / Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h39min26s

2009 - Elias Chelimo (QUE), 2h13m59s / Marizete Moreira (BRA), 2h42m24s

2008 - Claudir Rodrigues (BRA), 2h17m07s / Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h42m20s

2007 - Reuben Chepkwek (QUE), 2h16m05s / Jacqueline Chebor (QUE), 2h40m12s

2006 - Rotich Solomon (QUE), 2h15m15s / Margaret Karie (QUE), 2h39m24s

2005 - José Teles (BRA), 2h19m47s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m39s

2004 - Frank Caldeira (BRA), 2h17m30s / Margareth Karie (QUE), 2h40m10s

2003 - Genilson da Silva (BRA), 2h16m26s / Mª do Carmo Arruda (BRA), 2h39m12s

2002 - Vanderlei de Lima (BRA), 2h11m19s * / Mª Zeferina Baldaia (BRA), 2h36m07s

2001 - Stephen Rugut (QUE), 2h14m30s / Marizete Rezende (BRA), 2h38m57s

2000 - David Ngetich (QUE), 2h15m21s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h40m15s

1999 - Paul Yego (QUE), 2h15m29s / Márcia Narloch (BRA), 2h37m20s

1998 - Diamantino dos Santos (BRA), 2h16m55s / Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h39m58s

1997 - Kipkemboi Cheruiyot (QUE), 2h17m07s / Viviany Oliveira (BRA), 2h42m13s

1996 - Chalam El Maali (MAR), 2h15m21s / Janete Mayal (BRA), 2h41m40s

1995 - Luiz A. dos Santos (BRA), 2h17m11s / Ilyna Nadezhda (RUS), 2h49m33s

More information on the official website, www.maratonadesaopaulo.com.br

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