21k e 5k

In the wonderful city!

The Half Marathon in Rio is the most beautiful in the country, with a fast route that allows you to obtain low times.
Run past the most beautiful beaches in the city.


R$ 105,00 in up to 3 installments on the interest-free card or in cash on the bank slip

+1kg of non-perishable food


R$ 105,00 in up to 3 installments on the interest-free card or in cash on the bank slip

+1kg of non-perishable food


R$ 140,00 in up to 3 installments on the interest-free card or in cash on the bank slip

+1kg of non-perishable food


R$ 140,00 in up to 3 installments on the interest-free card or in cash on the bank slip

+1kg of non-perishable food


R$ 250,00 in up to 3 installments on the interest-free card or in cash on the bank slip

+1kg of non-perishable food


R$ 250,00 in up to 3 installments on the interest-free card or in cash on the bank slip

+1kg of non-perishable food


R$ 450,00 in up to 3 installments on the interest-free card or in cash on the bank slip

+1kg of non-perishable food


Promo Register

The Promo accompanies 1 male or female polyester T-shirt and 1 medal.

Inscrição leblon

The Leblon accompanies 1 male or female polyester T-shirt, 1 chest number and 1 medal.

Inscrição ipanema

The Ipanema accompanies 1 male or female polyester T-shirt, 1 chest number, 1 dryfit cap, 1 super backpack and 1 medal.

Inscrição Premium

The Premium accompanies 1 male or female polyester T-shirt, 1 chest number, 1 dryfit cap, 1 super backpack, 1 medal, left in front with the elite athletes and access to the guest area without a companion.

All entries come with the chest number and medal.
Merely illustrative images subject to suitability, inclusion and exclusion of products.
Kit criteria and materials described in item 4 of the regulation.

The Start

Check out useful information on how to get there, arena, start times, support stations and services to ensure you have a safe and seamless experience. Please note that all information currently refers to the 2022 race and is for reference purposes only.

Kits will be picked up on August 18 and 19, 2022 from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm and August 20, 2022 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at Marina da Glória - Avenida Infante Dom Henrique s/nº - Glória - Rio de Janeiro.

The place is close to Metro Gloria subway station.

In addition, the region is served by bus lines that pass close to Marina da Glória

Access the METRO Rio and RIO Ônibus websites and see how to get there.

Runners must submit:
• Photo ID document
• Proof of payment or original bank slip paid

The HALF MARATHON START will be in Leblon on Av. Avenida Delfim Moreira with Avenida Borges de Medeiros near Jardim de Alah and the ARRIVAL will be at Praça Cuauhtemoc in Aterro do Flamengo, according to the detailed route and published on the official website of the EVENT.

The STARTING OF THE 5K RACE will be at Aterro do Flamengo (Praça Arquiteto Laércio Sampaio, in front of the society courts) and the ARRIVAL will be at Praça Cuauhtemoc in Aterro do Flamengo, according to the detailed route and published on the EVENT's official website.

The location is close to Jardim de Alah subway station. Bus lines also pass by.

Access to the Concentration and Start areas will be signposted, and it is forbidden to jump over the fences that delimit these areas to enter the track at the START or at any other time, under any pretext.

The race will offer infrastructure (medical support, access, hydration and snacks) for the official number of entries. Extra resources will not be available for athletes who are not officially registered (Bandit)

Attention: there will be access control and only athletes with a bib number will access the starting area.


06:50 am Wheelchair Athlete

07:00 am Wheelchair user with guide

07:00 am Elite Men

07:00 am Elite Female

07:00 am Premium

07:00 am Athletes with Disabilities
DEV = Visually Impaired / AMP = Lower Limb Amputee(s) / DMAI = Walking Disabled Lower Limb(s) / DI = Intellectual Disabled / DMS = Disabled Upper Limb(s) / DAU = Hearing impaired

07:00 am General


06:30 am General

06:30 am Wheelchair user with guide

06:30 am Athletes with Disabilities
DEV = Visually Impaired / AMP = Lower Limb Amputee(s) / DMAI = Walking Disabled Lower Limb(s) / DI = Intellectual Disabled / DMS = Disabled Upper Limb(s) / DAU = Hearing impaired

The times mentioned above may vary between 5 and 10 minutes more or less.

The Organization requests extreme attention to the calls of the sound system in the starting area for possible changes in the respective schedules.

Restrooms and Luggage Storage Buses will be made available to registered ATHLETES in the RACE START PLACE

The ORGANIZATION asks and insists that VALUES are not left in the Luggage Storage, such as; watches, high-value accessories, electronic equipment, sound equipment or cell phones, checks, credit cards, wallets with money, identification documents such as ID or Passport, among others, because in the act of delivering the volume by the ATHLETE to the care the Organization will not carry out an inspection or opening of the volume to check the content.

The ORGANIZATION cannot and will not be responsible for the contents of bags, backpacks, bags or any type of volume left in the Luggage Storage, since it is an optional courtesy service of the test and non-mandatory use by the ATHLETE.

The ORGANIZATION will accept objects to be stored in the cloakroom until the start time of the general squad. The volume must be removed by the official end time of the test; if the item is not removed, it will be sent to YESCOM and the ATHLETE must request its removal through CONTACT US.

ATHLETES can participate in the EVENT by registering in a single CATEGORY, as described below:


For the 5K RUN:


The kit will be delivered on August 18 and 19, 2022 from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm and on August 20, 2022 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at Marina da Glória - Avenida Infante Dom Henrique s/nº - Glória - Rio de Janeiro.

Important: there will be no kit delivery on or after the event.

To remove the kit, the athlete must present:
Identity document with original photo (RG or Driver's License);
Proof of payment or original bank payment slip (copies will not be accepted under any circumstances). This voucher will be retained in the Kit Delivery.

See more information in item 13 of the regulation.

1st. The 50% discount on registration is exclusive for those aged 60 or over. Do not use this benefit for third parties as you will be subject to the penalties of the law. Don't give your subscription to anyone!

2nd. There will be an exclusive service desk for ATHLETES aged 60 or over when delivering a kit, which will speed up the service and check documents.

3rd. To facilitate the location of results and images, both by the ATHLETE and the Organization, the breast numbers of all categories available at the event including the ABOVE 60 YEARS category, will have a sequential series of easy location.

4th. In case of proof of the improper use of the 50% discount benefit, the Organization may apply the rules of item 10.8 of the Regulation.

5th. There will be no delivery of participation kit on the day of the EVENT, nor after it.

1st. Your breast number is personal and non-transferable.

2nd. Do not give in, do not sell and do not allow the copy of your breast number, as you will be committing an infraction subject to the penalties of the law.

3rd. In case of medical assistance, it is through your chest number that the emergency contact will be activated. A family member of yours may receive unexpected news as you are not participating in the event, as you have given your number to someone to run in your place.

4th. In case of failure in the electronic chip, your result can be analyzed from your breast number by photos and videos captured at the event.

5th. If you know someone who gave or sold the number in order to obtain advantages, report it through faleconosco@yescom.com.br. You can send the number, the full name or photos.


Your breast number is equipped with the electronic timing chip.
Do not remove it and use it only on the chest.
Do not bend, wrinkle, peel off the chip adhesive and do not remove the spacer foam for correct operation.

Uso do chip passo 1

Always leave the numeral in chest. Do not cover it with a blouse, jacket, backpack strap, etc.

Uso do chip passo 2

Do not put your arm over the numeral in time zones.

Uso do chip passo 3

Do not put the numeral on the body's lethal (for example, on the legs).

Uso do chip passo 4

Do not cover the numeral with blouses, jackets or any other clothing.

Don't be a Popcorn runner, be a cool runner!

1. Increase in registration fees;

2. Decrease in the supply of direct and indirect jobs;

3. Increase in water consumption. at the risk of ending;

4. Increase in the consumption of isotonic, gel and other available services, running the risk of ending;

5. Increased queues in toilets and changing rooms;

6. Overload in medical care and medication consumption, running the risk of ending;

7. Congestion and increased start time;

8. Increased queues, congestion and turmoil in the arrival area, as some "popcorn" insist on picking up medals;

9. Planning overload with public security agencies;

10. Stimulation of the illegal trade in inscriptions, photos and videos of events with people without a breast number.

Stay tuned!
It is worth remembering that the events are dimensioned for a certain number of registrants in accordance with the regulations in force according to the capacity of the duly authorized roads with the competent bodies.

Courses, Support Stations, Start Times and Arena

The Organization may, at its discretion, due to the technical necessity of the race, legal impediments, situations of adequacy of the city road in service to the municipality and public bodies, to change the course of the race, places of departure, arrival and times.

The Organization may, at its discretion, due to the technical necessity of the race, legal impediments, situations of adequacy of the city road in service to the municipality and public bodies, to change the course of the race, places of departure, arrival and times.

Measurement of the course associated with the passage of the leaders and course finish

Km Location of Station Wheelchair Male Female Last
Start Av. Delfim Moreira x Av. Borges de Medeiros (F) sentido Copacabana 06:50:00 07:00:00 07:00:00 07:35:00
Av. Vieira Souto (F)
Km 01 Av. Vieira Souto, 412 -5m (F) 06:57:45 07:02:57 07:03:25 07:43:15
Km 02 Av. Vieira Souto, 86 +20m (F) 07:00:30 07:05:54 07:06:50 07:51:30
Rua Francisco Otaviano (F)
Av. Atlântica (F)
Km 03 Av. Atlântica x Rua Rainha Elizabeth (F) 07:03:15 07:08:51 07:10:15 07:59:45
Km 04 Av. Atlântica x Rua Bolivar +20m (F) 07:06:00 07:11:48 07:13:40 08:08:00
Km 05 Av. Atlântica, 2038 (F) 07:08:45 07:14:45 07:17:00 08:16:15
Av. Princesa Isabel (F)
Km 06 Av. Princesa Isabel, 30 (F) 07:11:30 07:17:42 07:20:20 08:24:30
Av. Lauro Sodré (F)
Km 07 Av. Lauro Sodré x passagem para (CF) em frente ao Shopping Rio Sul 07:14:15 07:20:39 07:23:40 08:32:45
Av. Lauro Sodré (CF)
Km 08 Av. Nações Unidas x início enseada de Botafogo +20m (CF) 07:17:00 07:23:42 07:27:00 08:41:00
Av. Nações Unidas passagem para Fluxo
Km 09 Av. Nações Unidas (F) sentido Aeroporto 07:19:25 07:26:45 07:30:20 08:49:15
Av. Infante D.Henrique (F) sentido Aeroporto
Km 10 Av. Infante D. Henrique x saída posto BR após retorno praia Botafogo (F) 07:22:30 07:29:48 07:33:40 08:57:30
Km 11 Av. Infante D. Henrique x entrada Assador Rio (Porcão) (F) 07:25:15 07:32:51 07:37:00 09:05:45
Km 12 Av. Infante D. Henrique x Passagem Subterrânea após Posto BR (F) 07:28:00 07:35:54 07:40:20 09:14:05
Km 13 Av. Infante D. Henrique x Entrada Marina da Glória (F) 07:30:45 07:38:57 07:43:55 09:22:25
Km 14 Av. Infante D. Henrique x Saída do MAM (F) 07:33:30 07:42:00 07:47:30 09:30:45
Km 15 Av. General Justo x Portaria do DECEA (F) 07:36:15 07:45:03 07:51:05 09:39:05
Praça Marechal Âncora (F)
Rua Jacó do Bandolim (F)
Rua Dom Manoel (F)
Km 16 Rua Dom Manoel x Beco da Música x Tribual de Justiça (F) 07:39:00 07:48:06 07:54:40 09:47:25
Praça do Expedicionário (CF)
Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos (CF)
Av. Santa Luzia (CF)
Largo da Misericórdia (CF)
Km 17 Largo da Misericórdia em frente Igreja 07:41:45 07:51:15 07:58:15 09:55:45
Pça do Expedicionário (CF)
Av. Alfred Agache (CF)
Av. Alfred Agache (F)
Av. General Justo (F) sentido Flamengo
Km 18 Av. General Justo x Trevo Aeroporto (F) 07:44:30 07:54:24 08:01:50 10:04:05
Av. Infante D. Henrique (F)
Km 19 Av. Infante D. Henrique x Passarela das Quadras Futebol - 100m 07:47:15 07:57:33 08:05:25 10:12:40
Km 20 Av. Infante D. Henrique x Passagem Subterrânea Belmont - 5m (F) 07:50:00 08:00:42 08:09:00 10:21:15
Km 21 Pça Cuauhtemoque. 7m após final passagem inferior Índio 07:52:45 08:03:37 08:12:35 10:29:50
Finish Pça. Cuahtemoque, 7m após passagem subterrânea Índio 07:53:01 08:03:54 08:12:56 10:29:55
Km Location Service available Water Medical Support Bathrooms Elite Hydration Lockers Kit Snack Torrone Sport
Largada Av. Delfim Moreira x Av. Borges de Medeiros 06:50:00 às 07:35:00
Km 3 Av. Atlântica (F) 07:03:15 às 07:59:45
Km 5,5 Ipanema - Av. Princesa Isabel (F) 07:08:45 às 08:20:00
Km 8,2 Av. Nações Unidas (CF) 07:17:00 às 08:43:00
Km 10,5 Aterro do Flamengo - Av. Infante Dom Henrique 07:19:51 às 09:14:07
Km 13 Aterro do Flamengo - Av. Infante Dom Henrique 07:28:36 às 09:41:07
Km 14,3 Aterro do Flamengo - Av. Infante Dom Henrique 07:32:23 às 09:52:30
Km 14,5 Aterro do Flamengo - Av. Infante Dom Henrique 07:32:58 às 09:54:18
Km 16,4 Aterro do Flamengo - Av. Infante Dom Henrique 07:38:31 às 10:11:13
Km 18,1 Aterro do Flamengo - Av. Infante Dom Henrique em frente ao Monumento dos Pracinhas 07:43:28 às 10:26:31
Km 20 Aterro do Flamengo - Av. Infante Dom Henrique - altura Cidade das Crianças, Rua Correia Dutra e do Prédio da Administração do Parque 07:49:01 às 10:43:09
Chegada Aterro do Flamengo 07:52:13 às 10:52:45

Suppliment* - The gel will be delivered with the participant kit.

ATHLETES will make the START, in specific squads distinct from each other, at the following times below:


WHEELCHAIR ELITE category, start at 6:50min in a unique squad.

ELITE MAN category, start at 7:00min in a unique squad.

ELITE WOMEN category, start at 7:00min in a unique squad.

WHEELCHAIR WITH GUIDE category, start at 7:05min in a unique squad.

PREMIUM SQUAD category, start at 7:15min in a unique squad.

GENERAL SQUAD category, start at 7:15min in a unique squad.

DEV = Visually Impaired / AMP = Amputated Inferior Limbs / DMAI = Walking with Inferior Limbs Impaired / DI = Intellectually Impaired / DMS = Superior Limbs Impaired / DAU = Hearing Impaired start at 7:15min in a unique squad.

For the 5K RUN

GENERAL SQUAD category, start at 6:30min in a unique squad.

DEV = Visually Impaired / AMP = Amputated Inferior Limbs / DMAI = Walking with Inferior Limbs Impaired / DI = Intellectually Impaired / DMS = Superior Limbs Impaired / DAU = Hearing Impaired start at 6:30min in a unique squad.

WHEELCHAIR WITH GUIDE category, start at 6:30min in a unique squad.

The timelines listed above may vary 5 to 10 min more or less.

The Organization requests extreme attention to the calls coming through the outdoor speakers in the START area for eventual adjustments in the time during the week preceding the event through the regulation of the event, social media, press, official website of the event, when the kit is withdrawn at the place of delivery and calls sound system and signs in the start area on the day of the race, for eventual adjustments in the respective timetables that may be necessary.


*The choice is responsibility from participant. The organization is not responsible for the services suggested.

Realization and Management
Moove Newon Assai Smart Fit Drogaria Pacheco Sesc
Special Sponsor
Café 3 Corações You Mercado FitFood
Cosan Montevérgine Dois Cunhados Itambé Rikan Movida Wemobi Michelob Movimento Plastico Transforma
Special Support
Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro
Bronze Label
Federação CBAt IAAF AIMS
Rio Intl Half Marathon Rio Intl Half Marathon Rio Intl Half Marathon