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It is the space where sponsors and companies in the sports segment display their products and publicize their brands. The audience of the show is made up of both athletes registered as by friends and family, and your visit is free and entry is free.
Click here and read more8/19/2018
Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 19/08/18 – Domingo de céu azul e temperatura em torno de 20 graus. Foi nesse cenário que os quenianos Paul Kipkorir, no masculino, e Esther Kakuri, no feminino, ganharam a 22ª Meia Maratona do Rio de Janeiro. Enquanto Paul disputou a prova pela primeira vez, Esther garantiu o bicampeonato. O brasileiro mais bem colocado foi Welington Bezerra da Silva, do Cruzeiro, que chegou 25 segundos atrás do campeão.
Estreante na prova carioca, Paul travou uma batalha nos dez primeiros quilômetros com seu compatriota Denis Kusi...
São Paulo (SP), 14/08/18 – Pensando no bem-estar dos atletas, a 22ª Meia Maratona Internacional do Rio de Janeiro, programada para o domingo, dia 19 de agosto, começará mais cedo. Será uma antecipação de 15 minutos na disputa de 21.097 metros, com largada em São Conrado e término no Aterro do Flamengo, Haverá ainda o Super 5, prova de 5k com largada e chegada no Aterro do Flamengo, que seguirá sem alteração.
Dessa forma, os horários ficaram assim: Cadeirante, largada 7h59; Elite ...
São Paulo (SP), 06/01/18 - The 22nd Rio de Janeiro International Half Marathon, the most beautiful of its kind in the country, scheduled for August 19, will feature kits and EXPO Athlete at Marina da Glória . In order to better serve the athletes, avoid queues and delay in withdrawing the kit, as well as being able to enjoy EXPO more, Yescom chose the new location.
The registrations for the half marathon race, with start in São Conrado and finish in the Aterro do Flamengo, are still open and can be made on the official website, www.meiamaratonadoriodejaneiro.com.br...
São Paulo (SP), 05/04/18 - As well as the great races organized by Yescom, the 22nd edition of the Rio de Janeiro International Half Marathon will also bring EXPO together with its kits delivery. And the scenery lives up to the beauty of the event: it will be at Marina da Glória.
The EXPO happens simultaneously to the delivery of kits and counts on fair that gathers several segments related to the sport, besides lectures and product divulgation.
One of the best and most beautiful events in the national calendar, the Rio de Janeiro International Half Marat...
Your Chest Number is equipped with the electronic timing chip.
Do not remove it and use it on your chest only.
Do not fold, do not knead, do not peel off the sticker from the chip and do not remove the spacer foam for proper operation.
1. Let your NUMBER ALWAYS ON THE CHEST. DO NOT COVER IT with blouse, jacket, backpack strap etc.
2. Do not put your arms above your chest number on the checkpoints zones.
3. Do not attach your chest number on your body's sides (legs, p.e.).
4. Do not cover your chest number with blouses, jackets or other clothes.
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